Drusilla's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Site | home
Site News & Info
"As long there have been demons, there has been the Slayer. One girl in all the world: a Chosen One, born with the strength and skill to hunt vampires and other deadly creatures, to find where they gather and stop the spread of evil and the swell of their numbers. When one Slayer dies the next is called and trained by the Watcher."
Please don't steal from my site. If you would like any pictures or information from my web site for your own site or other purposes, please have the respect to ASK ME first! Thanks :-)
Updated merchandise in AU$
UK Merchandise Store started... completed... to an extent :)
The all-new Online Merchandise Store is now up and running!
Right click action removed in picture galleries... Ha ha!
The all new Scripts section of my web site is now under way.
After a month of attempting to update my web site, I gave up. 82 pages and over 650 images later the entire site is moved to a new server. Phew! What a job!
More videos and dvds and books to purchase
More videos added for Australian purchasing
New albums to purchase! Today I added albums from almost all of the bands featured on the Buffy album.
Also, the company that I was using for my guestbooks, wants to charge me money so I'm switching to another one, sadly to say. So all your nice messages will be gone :(
New pictures in the Cast and Characters section. Most characters have a couple of new pictures, and a lot more in couple pictures and cast pictures.
Buffy Season 5 is now showing on Channel 7 in Australia on Tuesday 10:30pm in all states except for Tasmania, which is 10:00pm Friday.
Angel Season 2 is now showing on Channel 7 in Australia on Wednesday at 10:30pm.
updated Couple Pictures
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Costumes are here @ the store part of my site. Check them out!
19/12/2000 It is said that two new Buffy the Vampire Slayer soundtracks are being released. One is like the first one (the pop/rock or whatever you like to call it) and the other is a selection of Christophe Beck's pieces.
4/12/2000 Purchase Buffy books and videos in either $AU or $US. At the moment the US part of my site has a greater range but theAustralian part is getting there...
25/11/2000 You can now purchase Buffy books and other merchandise online with my site! Click Here
24/11/2000 Michelle Trachtenberg/Dawn's biography is now here! Click here...
23/11/2000 When James Marsters comes to Australia next year FSF is hosting a convention in Sydneyy. James Marsters will be apearing onstage, as well as authors of vampire books and vampire experts. Merchandise will also be on sale and much much more. Cilck here for details.
2/11/2000 www.drusilla4spike.com is now up and running but it is much slower than www.drusilla.cjb.net. I actually prefer www.drusilla.cjb.net because .com has an ad on it and its much slower to load, but hey, if it helps you remember it, thats just fine with me!
The Genuine Unofficial Australian Buffy Club is created, organised, managed and maintained by me, Drusilla Vampire. Feel free to join it. Membership is open to any Buffy fans, worldwide. When you join you even get a little banner/picture like this:
Got a greeting card to pick up? Get it HERE.
Thanks to Caitlin for all the pictures she cut out of magazines for me! =)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel are owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, WB, Fox, etc. This is an unofficial site. I do not own any of these characters and I am in no way affiliated with the shows or the actors. If anyone thinks I have breached their copyright or whatever please contact me and I will fix the problem.
No right click-with link to I.O.S.P
View my old guestbook (please don't sign it because its really old and I now have a new one. This one was for my old site.)
If you are thinking of using any information, pictures or sounds from my site Please Ask Me First and I will get back to you as soon as I receive the request.
No right click-with link to I.O.S.P